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Tips to learn Italian the easyer way

Updated: May 13

Tip #1 - Focus on the sounds first

When you learn a new language, you might be tempted to jump into memorizing words and their meanings right away. But did you know that paying attention to the sounds of the language before learning the vocabulary can actually help you learn faster and better?

Here's how.

As infants, we can hear and distinguish all the sounds in any language. But as we grow up and master our native language, we lose this ability and become more attuned to the sounds we are familiar with. This is why as adults, we have trouble identifying and producing the new sounds we encounter in a foreign language. And if we can't hear and say the sounds correctly, it becomes harder to remember the words that use them.

Luckily, studies have shown that training our ears to recognize the unfamiliar sounds of a new language before learning the words can make a big difference in our learning outcomes.

So, if you want to learn Italian, start by mastering the pronunciation of the Italian alphabet, do listening exercises, and then move on to words and sentences.

Tip #2 - How To Master The Art Of Pronunciation In Italian

One of the best tips to learn Italian is to realize that this language is spoken as it is written. This might sound obvious, but if you're a native English speaker, you know how tricky pronunciation can be in your language.

In Italian, things are much simpler — each letter has a specific sound, and there's no room for confusion. For instance, the letter A always sounds like the A in "bar. Italian do not need to spell words, because the sound of the word is identical to the written word.

There are noly a few exceptions, very easy for and English speaker used to manage the different sounds of "through," "cough" and "though"!

Remember to always be precise with the sound of your vowels, especially the one at the end of the words. If you do so, a misspronunciation of a consonant won't effect your speaking success.

The R is always pronounced clearly, but it doesn't have to be rolled all the time. Practice and challenge yourself, try this tongue twister: trentatré trentini entrarono a Trento tutti e trentatré trotterellando (33 people from Trento entered Trento, trotting along, all 33). Did you make it? You will impress your Italian friends.

"Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going." - Rita Mae Brown

Tip #3 - How To Learn Italian Grammar That Doesn't Exist In English

Learning a new language can be challenging, especially when it has grammar rules that are different from your native language. But don't worry , you can master them with some practice and patience.

Let's begin with gender. All Italian nouns have a masculine or feminine gender and it's easly to spoil it looking at the last vowel of the noun. If it ends with -a is feminine, if it's -o, is masculine (with a few exceptions). Nouns ending with -e can be either feminine or masculine, so you need to memorize their gender.

Now let's move on to some articles. In the battle of definite articles, Italian has 7 options, while English only has one, "the", and is hardly used. This may seem overwhelming, but the rules are following a easy pattern simple to learn.

Tip #4 - Learn to understand Italian and skip translating English into Italian

One of the most common mistakes that language learners make is to rely too much on translating everything from their native language when learning Italian.

This can slow down your progress and prevent you from developing a natural fluency in the new language. In this blog post, I will share some reasons why you should avoid translating everything when learning a new language, especially Italian:

  1. Translating everything can make you miss the nuances and subtleties. Italian, like any other language, has its own idioms, expressions, and cultural references that cannot be translated literally into English. For example, if you hear someone say "In bocca al lupo" (literally "in the mouth of the wolf"), they are not warning you about a dangerous animal, but wishing you good luck. If you try to translate everything, you will not only sound unnatural, but also miss the opportunity to learn these aspects of the language.

  2. Translating everything can interfere with your listening and speaking skills. When you listen to Italian, you should try to understand the meaning directly, without going through English in your mind. This will help you improve your comprehension and retention of the new words and structures. Similarly, when you speak Italian, you should try to express yourself using the words and grammar that you have learned, without thinking about how you would say it in English. A good way to improve these skills is, from the very beginning, to associate words with pictures. When you search for a word on Google, choose the images option instead of the translation. This will help your brain remember the word by its visual representation, not by its equivalent in another language! This will help you improve your fluency and confidence in learning Italian.

  3. Third, translating everything can limit your vocabulary and grammar. When you learn a new word or structure in Italian, you should not just memorize its equivalent in English, but also learn how to use it in different contexts and situations. For example, if you learn the word "bello" (beautiful), you should not just think of it as "beautiful", but also as "nice", "good", "fine", "well", etc., depending on the context. This will help you expand your vocabulary and grammar in Italian.

Always remember that translating everything is a hindrance rather than a help when learning a new language, especially Italian. You should try to avoid this habit and focus on understanding and expressing yourself directly in the target language. This will help you improve your skills, expand your knowledge, and enjoy your learning journey more.

The only good direct word-for-word translation you should have is the one made by the teacher in the class. It is a good practice to hepl you understand how the language structure works.

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