Italian Classes for Expert Beginners - Level A
Class# 4
#4 Italian for Beginners
10 lessons, 2 hours each
(10min break after 55min)
Once a week for 10 weeks
6.30 PM -8.30 PM (TBC)
Book included
Min 2, max 12 people
Starting: (TBC)
Venue: Firehouse Cultural Center
$ 350
Prerequisites: must have knowledge of the subjects covered in the Italian for Beginners classes #1, 2, and 3
Topics of instruction:
To know and use reflexive verbs at the present and with compound verbs
To know and use the impersonal form and impersonal expressions
To know and use the indirect pronouns
To know and use direct and indirect pronouns with compound verbs and modal verbs
To know and use 'Mi piace/piacciono' with a compound form
To know and use the imperative mode with the pronouns
To know the conditional present and compound
To use the conditional present and past
Additionally, you will be introduced to:
Curiosity about the Italian fashion business
Curiosities about the Italian TV and newspapers
Curiosities about Italian music
Goals and Objectives:
To talk about everyday life using reflexive verbs
To talk about clothes (color, size, style) and talk about quantities and prices of goods
To ask and express your opinion about something
To ask a favor and to borrow/lend something
To suppose, to refer news, to express the future in the past
To talk about TV programs
To give commands and suggestions
To ask and give street directions